[hep-th] Fw: reminder--announcement

Branislav Cvetkovic cbranislav at ipb.ac.rs
Tue Jan 12 00:41:03 CET 2010

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From: "Igor Salom" <isalom at ipb.ac.rs> 
To: cbranislav at ipb.ac.rs 
Sent: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 15:12:31 +0100 
Subject: Fw: reminder--announcement

---------- Forwarded Message ----------- 
From: Dvoeglazov Valeriy <vdvoeglazov at yahoo.com.mx> 
To: jenk at bitp.kiev.ua, isalom at phy.bg.ac.yu, borow at ift.uni.wroc.pl, carmelim at bgu.ac.il 
Cc: Z.K.Silagadze at inp.nsk.su, mchaves at cariari.ucr.ac.cr, afh at roe.ac.uk, valeri at planck.reduaz.mx 
Sent: Mon, 4 Jan 2010 09:32:30 -0800 (PST) 
Subject: reminder--announcement

 Dear Professor,

The Universidad de Zacatecas (Mexico) jointly with the Nova Science 
Publishers (USA) proposes the new publication Project. 
2 books in the Series "Relativity,Gravitation, Cosmology" and 13 books 
in "Contemporary Fundamental Physics" Series have been published under 
editorship of V. V. Dvoeglazov. We continue with these Series. The tentative 
title of new proposed books are "Einstein and Hilbert: Dark 
Matter", "Einstein and Others: Grand Unification".

The suggested topics of the books are: Dark matter/energy and wimp, Dark 
matter/energy and cosmological constant,  Torsion, the Ogievetskii- 
Polubarinov-Kalb-Ramond fields,  SU(3), SU(2)xU(1), SU(5) and O(4,2), O 
(3,2), ADS gauge theories, Majorana-like theories, Spinors, 
tensors, and bivectors in the Lounesto classification, Higher dimensions, 
Discrete symmetries (PCT),  Space-time symmetries (what would be beyond the 
relativity postulates?), Space-time foam, Quantum gravity based on the first 
principles, Grand Unification, Dilaton gravity, Neutrino and Gravity,   
Photon and Gravity, Spin connection and 4-potentials (Axion, Torsion and 
Notoph), Curvature as a Scalar Field over the Minkowski Space, 
Multidimensional Gravity. De Sitter Gravity. Weyl Approach, Parity 
Violation, Non-commutative Space-time.

Only papers written with logical and mathematical rigor will be considered. 
However, contributors should be aware that they should shape their language 
so as to be comprehensible to students of physics. In particular, we hope 
that the authors will  present new ideas which can open the field of debate 
for free and insightful discussion. The aim of the collections of 
essays is also to draw attention to long-lived problems in modern physics, 
which must be solved.  All views on the paths of  development of fundamental 
physics are considered by us on an equal footing.  We kindly invite you to 
contribute to the special issues (books) by sending us your article. Several 
outstanding scientists have already expressed interest to participate in    
the Project.

All papers should be submitted by e-mail to Prof. V.  V. Dvoeglazov 
(editor at planck.reduaz.mx)  in the standard LaTeX format 
(aipproc.cls is the preferrable format) and as the pdf file. Papers  should 
not, in general, exceed 12 printed pages. The deadline for submissions is 
January 30, 2010. The invited papers will be included in the volume, other 
submitted papers will be reviewed by 2-3 independent referees.

Please feel free to distribute this Announcement in your University. We 
dedicate these books to the International Year of Astronomy.

V. V. Dvoeglazov, 
The Editor of the Series

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Institute of Physics Belgrade 

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Institute of Physics Belgrade 

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