[hep-th] seminar u ponedeljak 21.08.

Branislav Cvetkovic cbranislav at ipb.ac.rs
Thu Aug 17 16:56:56 CEST 2017

Postovane kolege,

U ponedeljak 21. avgusta na Institutu za fiziku u 11 h Vitalij Vancurin 
sa Univerziteta u
Minesoti ce odrzati seminar pod naslovom "Covariant Information Theory 
and Emergent Gravity". Apstrakt
vam prosledjujem u nastavku.

                           Pozdrav Branislav

Abstract: Informational dependence between statistical or quantum 
subsystems can be described with Fisher matrix or Fubini-Study metric 
obtained from variations of the sample/configuration space coordinates. 
Using these non-covariant objects as macroscopic constraints we consider 
statistical ensembles over the space of classical probability 
distributions or quantum wave-functions. The ensembles are covariantized 
using dual field theories with either complex or real scalar fields 
identified with complex wave-functions or square root of probabilities. 
We argue that a full space-time covariance on a field theory side is 
dual to local computations (defined in terms of parallel computing) on 
the information theory side. We define a fully covariant 
information-computation tensor and show that it must satisfy 
conservation equations. Then we switch to a thermodynamic description 
and argue that the (inverse of) space-time metric tensor is a conjugate 
thermodynamic variable to the ensemble-averaged information-computation 
tensor. In the equilibrium the entropy production vanishes and the 
metric is not dynamical, but away from equilibrium the entropy 
production gives rise to an emergent dynamics of the metric. This 
dynamics can be described by expanding the entropy production into 
products of generalized forces (derivatives of metric) and conjugate 
fluxes. Near equilibrium these fluxes are given by an Onsager tensor 
contracted with generalized forces and on the grounds of time-reversal 
symmetry the Onsager tensor is expected to be symmetric. We show that a 
particularly simple and highly symmetric form of the Onsager tensor 
gives rise to the Einstein-Hilbert term. This proves that general 
relativity is equivalent to a theory of non-equilibrium (thermo)dynamics 
of the metric which is expected to break down far away from equilibrium 
where the symmetries of the Onsager tensor are to be broken.

Institute of Physics Belgrade
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia

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