[hep-th] Fwd: sledece nedelje

Branislav Cvetkovic cbranislav at ipb.ac.rs
Mon Oct 2 10:49:48 CEST 2017

Podtovane kolege,

u petak 6. oktobra u 11 h na Institutu za fiziku Maja Buric ce odrzati 
seminar pod naslovom
"Fuzzy de Sitter space". Apstrakt vam prosledjujem u nastavku.

Pozdrav Branislav

We discuss properties of fuzzy de~Sitter space defined as an algebra
  of de~Sitter group $SO(1,4)$ in a unitary irreducible representation.
It was shown before that it is possible,
on this noncommutative space, to choose a local frame with
metric which reduces to the de~Sitter metric in the commutative limit.
Here we show that the embedding coordinates  have discrete
spectra for  $(\rho,s=\frac 12)$ unitary irreducible
representations of the principal continuous series of the $SO(1,4)$.
The result is obtained in the Hilbert space representation,
and it is very likely that it can be extended to the other irreps of
the principal continuous series.

Institute of Physics Belgrade
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia

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