[hep-th] Seminar u sredu

Branislav Cvetkovic cbranislav at ipb.ac.rs
Mon Sep 23 08:05:13 CEST 2019

Postovane kolege,

U sredu 25. septembra u 11 h na Institutu za fiziku,u sali 360,
Diego Cirilo-Lombardo (Univerzitet u Buenos Airesu, Argentina) ce 
odrzati seminar pod naslovom
"Dynamical breaking of symmetries beyond the standard model and 
Apstrakt vam prosledjujem u nastavku. Termin odrzavanja seminara je 
neuobicajen zato  sto predavac putuje u petak.

Pozdrav Branislav


Group theoretical realizations containing the electroweak sector of
the Standard Model are discussed from the supersymmetry point of view.
Dynamical breaking of the symmetry is performed and the corresponding
quadratic (super Yang-Mills) Lagrangian is obtained. Supercoherent
states of the Klauder-Perelomov type are defined to enlarge the symmetry
taking into account the geometry of the coset based in the simplest
supergroup SU (2|1) as the structural basis of the electroweak sector of
the SM. The extended model is superintegrable and the superconnection in
the odd part takes a dynamical character. The physical and geometrical
implications of the additional degrees of freedom interpreted as a
hidden sector of the representation are briefly discussed.

Institute of Physics Belgrade
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia

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