[hep-th] Seminar grupe za gravitaciju, cestice i polja

Marija Dimitrijevic Ciric dmarija at ipb.ac.rs
Wed Jan 27 12:58:53 CET 2021

Zdravo svima, nadam se da ste svi dobro i zdravo. Evo pokusaja da ipak 
krenemo sa seminarima, pa makar on-line.

U petak 29. januara u 11 casova, u okviru seminara grupe za gravitaciju, 
cestice i polja, predavanje ce odrzati Tijana Radenkovic.

Title: Gauge symmetry of the 3BF theory for a generic Lie 3-group

Abstract: The higher category theory can be employed to generalize the 
BF action to the so-called 3BF action, by passing from the notion of a 
gauge group to the notion of a gauge 3-group. In this work we determine 
the full gauge symmetry of the 3BF action. To that end, the complete 
Hamiltonian analysis of the 3BF action for a general Lie 3-group is 
performed, by using the Dirac procedure. This analysis is the first step 
towards a canonical quantization of a 3BF theory. This is an important 
stepping-stone for the quantization of the complete Standard Model of 
elementary particles coupled to Einstein-Cartan gravity, formulated as a 
3BF action with suitable simplicity constraints. We show that the 
resulting gauge symmetry group consists of the already familiar G-, H-, 
and L-gauge transformations, as well as additional M- and N-gauge 
transformations, which have not been discussed in the existing 

ArXiv ePrint: 2101.04049

Seminar se moze pratiti preko linka


Vidimo se u petak, pozdrav!


ps Mozemo u petak da se dogovorimo oko rasporeda buducih seminara. 
Razmislite o cemu bi pricali, a svakako imamo nekoliko master studenata 
koji (ja mislim) jos uvek nisu izabrali teme za master radove.

Marija Dimitrijevic Ciric

University of Belgrade
Faculty of Physics
Studentski trg 12-16
11000 Belgrade

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