[hep-th] Danasnji SEENET-MTP seminar o crnim rupama, Gia Dvali

Marija Dimitrijevic Ciric dmarija at ipb.ac.rs
Wed Mar 16 08:40:29 CET 2022

Zdravo svima,

pretpostavljam da ste vec obavesteni o seminaru, ali evo podsecam i ja. 
Mozda bude zanimljivo :) Pozdrav svima!


Dear colleagues,

the next SEENET-MTP online seminar:

Demystifying Black Holes
Gia Dvali (LMU-MPI, Munich)

will be held on Wednesday, 16 March 2022 at 17:00 CET.

Meeting ID: 632 4718 9341
Passcode: 382526

Abstract: Black holes are considered to be one of the most mysterious 
objects of nature due to their properties such as the information 
horizon, absence of hair, thermal evolution and information storage and 
processing. We argue that these properties are not specific to gravity 
but are generic to a large class of objects, called "saturons", that 
exhibit a maximal microstate degeneracy. The role of saturons is played 
by solitons and various other bound states in ordinary field theories, 
including QCD. They exist also in non-relativistic many-body systems and 
can potentially be studied in labs. This view opens up a very different 
perspective on black hole physics, allowing its understanding in terms 
of the universal phenomenon of saturation. It also suggests a link with 
seemingly remote phenomena, such as confinement in QCD, and provides 
some new observational prospects.

More information about the SEENET-MTP seminars and a registration form 
for non-members is available at the website of the Seminar, 



Marija Dimitrijevic Ciric

University of Belgrade
Faculty of Physics
Studentski trg 12-16
11000 Belgrade

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