From: Fathia Lemhemdi []
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2014 5:07 PM
To: HACKER ; LEOPOLDINA; LEOPOLDINA; COOPER; MAFFEI; UVS; BEQIRAJ; BUSHATI; PRESSE; ANGEL; PLIGO; INFO; akademija; SECRETARIA; fgnovo; MZE; BRUNORI; geral; eraoliveira; jfernandes; Ian; KATARINAT; LORNA; SERG; SMTURIN; PRESIDENCY; SASA; DARJA; JOZE; KANPOLAT; TCELIK; DINCERULKU; NGUNOVEN; amb;; par; par; richters; paris amb; belgen; miriam; paris; estonie; ecocom; paramb;;;;;;;; PASSEBON
Cc: 'Sandrine Chermet'; Juliette NOLLET
Subject: Call for application for the Grand Prix 2015 of the Simone et Cino del Duca Foundation-Institut de France
Dear Sir, Dear Madam,
Every year, the Simone and Cino del Duca Foundation of the Institut de France awards a scientific prize based on the recommendations of a jury of members of the Institut de France.
The Grand Prix will be awarded to a French or European scientist and his/her team that will propose an ambitious research project on promising theme.
The theme for 2015 is : “General Relativity from the macrocosm to the microcosm: experimental tests, geolocalisation, gravitational waves, black holes, quantum gravity,…”
You will find attached the call for application for the Grand Prix 2015.
Applications must be submitted online by January 22, 2015 to the following address:
Thank you for communicating these documents.
We remain available if you require more information,
Yours faithfully,
Fathia Lemhemdi
Service des activités, prix, séances et travaux de l'Académie
Académie des sciences
Institut de France
23, quai de Conti -- 75006 Paris
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