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From: geomgrav <geomgrav@ut.ee>
Date: Mon, Apr 3, 2023 at 7:01 PM
Subject: Conference announcement: Geometric Foundations of Gravity, 19-22 June 2023, Tartu, Estonia
To: geomgrav <geomgrav@ut.ee>

Dear colleague,

We are excited to inform you that registration is now open for the conference „Geometric Foundations of Gravity 2023“, held on 19 - 22 June in Tartu, Estonia. The meeting will take place in person, while remote online participation can be also made possible when necessary.

The conference will focus upon the various approaches to gravity that go beyond the usual framework of General Relativity. The topics will range from the foundational issues to the applications for cosmology, gravitational waves, black holes, and other objects. The theories under discussion include for instance:

+ Extensions of General Relativity (metric affine gravity, Poincaré gauge gravity, scalar/vector/tensor gravity, teleparallel gravity, massive gravity, bi-metric gravity, …)

+ Astrophysics in Extended Gravity (black holes, ordinary/neutron/boson/grava stars, gravitational waves, strings, wormholes, binary systems, …)

+ Cosmology in Extended Gravity (dynamical system analysis, observations and constraints, dark energy, dark matter, inflation, early universe, galaxies, …)

+ Beyond Lorentzian Geometry in Classical and Quantum Gravity (doubly/deformed relativity, standard model extension, Hamilton geometry, Finsler geometry, …)

The list of invited speakers includes:

+ Daniela Doneva (Tübingen, Germany)

+ Verónica Errasti Díez (Munich, Germany)

+ Roberto Percacci (Trieste, Italy)

+ Anastasios Petkou (Thessaloniki, Greece)

+ Syksy Räsänen (Helsinki, Finland)

+ Mairi Sakellariadou (London, United Kingdom)

The deadline for abstract submission is 15 May 2023, and the preliminary program will be announced shortly after that.

The workshop registration form as well as other relevant information can be found at the homepage:


Looking forward for active participation and interesting contributions,
GeomGrav2023 Organization Committee