[institut] Fw: Predavanja

Antun Balaz antun at phy.bg.ac.yu
Thu Dec 6 13:02:21 CET 2007

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2007 17:10:29 +0100
From: Ljiljana Kolar-Anic <lkolar at ffh.bg.ac.yu>
To: Djordje Sijacki <sijacki at quark.phy.bg.ac.yu>
Subject: Fw: Predavanja

Postovane koleginice i kolege,

Prof. dr Vilmos Gaspar (Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of
Debrecen, HUNGARY) odrzace predavanje pod naslovom Let's play chaos, u
ponedeljak 10. 12. 2007. u 16h u Sali za sednice Fakulteta za fizicku
hemiju, Studentski Trg 12-16, I sprat.

Kratki sadrzaj predavanja:

This is an introductory lecture to the general public about chaos and chaos

I shall discuss the followings:

 a.. Whats in a name?  What is chaos?  
 b.. Creating chaos with very simple iterative maps.
 c.. From order to chaos  from chaos to order.
 d.. Control algorithms to taming chaos.
 e.. Chaos and chaos control in chemical systems  examples.

Prof. dr Vilmos Gaspar odrzace i drugo predavanje pod naslovom
Synchronization of coupled electrochemical oscillators, u utorak 11. 12.
2007. takodje u 16h u Sali za sednice Fakulteta za fizicku hemiju,
Studentski Trg 12-16, I sprat.

Kratki sadrzaj predavanja:

In a previous study, we investigated the effect of global coupling on the
dynamics of interacting electrochemical oscillators of N-type
(electrodissolution of Ni) where the double-layer potential acts as a
positive feedback variable. Here, we report on studying the effect of global
coupling on nonidentical electrochemical oscillators of S-type
(electrodeposition of Zn) where the electrode potential acts as an essential
negative feedback variable. The strength of global coupling between the
electrodes is systematically varied while holding all other parameters
constant. Several different scenarios for synchronization and partial
synchronization have been observed in the dynamics of the coupled system
(128 electrodes). Synchronization is characterized by an order parameter,
animated phase portraits based on Hilbert transforms, the average phase
shift between the oscillators and bifurcation diagrams.

Srdacan pozdrav,

Drustvo fizikohemicara Srbije

Antun Balaz
Research Assistant
E-mail: antun at phy.bg.ac.yu
Web: http://scl.phy.bg.ac.yu/

Phone: +381 11 3713152
Fax: +381 11 3162190

Scientific Computing Laboratory
Institute of Physics Belgrade
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia

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