[institut] IPB seminar: Faraday waves in BEC, Alexandru Nicolin, 3. mart, 11:00

Antun Balaz antun at ipb.ac.rs
Fri Feb 25 14:19:25 CET 2011

Postovane kolege,

Zadovoljstvo mi je da vas pozovem da u cetvrtak, 3. marta 2011. godine u biblioteci Instituta za fiziku sa pocetkom u 11 casova, prisustvujete predavanju pod nazivom:

Faraday waves in Bose-Einstein condensates

koje ce odrzati Alexandru Nicolin (National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering - NIPNE, Bucharest, Romania), gost SCL.

The presentation will survey the emergence of Faraday waves in Bose-Einstein condensates focusing on the experimental results of Engels et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 095301) and the theoretical work of Nicolin et al. (Phys. Rev. A 76, 063609 and Physica A 389, 4663). Engels et al. have showed experimentally that an elongated high-density cigar-shaped condensate subject to periodic modulation of its transverse confinement excites small amplitude longitudinal oscillations through a parametric resonance, i.e., Faraday waves. In my talk I will give a complete analysis of the instability using an effectively one-dimensional model that captures the main features of the experimental results and will provide extensive three-dimensional numerical results.

Srdacan pozdrav,
Antun Balaz

Antun Balaz
E-mail: antun at ipb.ac.rs
Web: http://www.scl.rs/

Phone: +381 11 3713152
Fax: +381 11 3162190

Scientific Computing Laboratory
Institute of Physics Belgrade
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