[institut] Aurelian Isar-SEENET-MTP predavanja u Nisu i Kragujevcu

Dragoljub Dimitrijevic ddrag at pmf.ni.ac.rs
Mon Oct 17 09:54:31 CEST 2011


prosledjujem Vam obavestenje o predavanjima prof. Isara u Nisu i 
Kragujevcu (<http://www.seenet-mtp.info/category/news/lectures/>):

Prof. Dr. Aurelian Isar
Department of Theoretical Physics, National Institute of Physics and 
Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania

The first talk, in Nis,
"Decoherence and Transition from Quantum to Classical in Open Quantum 
Tuesday, October 18th, 2011. at 14:00h, Conference Room (100), Faculty 
of Science and Mathematics, Nis (Visegradska 33).

The second talk, in Kragujevac,
"Quantum Decoherence and Entanglement in Continuous Variable Open Systems"
Thursday, October 20th, 2011. at 11:00h, Room 3, Faculty of 
Science-Institute of Physics, Kragujevac (Radoja Domanovica 12).

Both lectures will be organized by the SEENET-MTP nodes - Faculty of 
Science and Mathematics Nis and Faculty of Science, Kragujevac, within 
the ICTP – SEENET Program of scientific cooperation.

• "Decoherence and Transition from Quantum to Classical in Open Quantum 
In the framework of the theory of open systems based on completely 
positive quantum dynamical semigroups, we determine the degree of 
quantum decoherence of a harmonic oscillator interacting with a thermal 
bath. We calculate the decoherence time and show that it has the same 
scale as the time after which the statistical fluctuations become 
comparable with the quantum fluctuations. The transition from quantum to 
classical behavior of the considered system is analyzed and it is shown 
that the classicality takes place during a finite interval of time.

• "Quantum Decoherence and Entanglement in Continuous Variable Open Systems"
In the framework of the theory of open systems based on completely 
positive quantum dynamical semigroups, we determine the degree of 
quantum decoherence of a harmonic oscillator interacting with a thermal 
bath. We calculate the decoherence time and show that it has the same 
scale as the time after which the statistical fluctuations become 
comparable with the quantum fluctuations. The transition from quantum to 
classical behavior of the considered system is analyzed.
For a systems consisting of two independent harmonic oscillators 
interacting with a thermal bath we describe the time evolution of the 
continuous-variable entanglement in terms of the covariance matrix of 
quantum states of the considered system for Gaussian input states.

Srdacan pozdrav,

Dragoljub Dimitrijevic

Departman za fiziku
Prirodno-matematicki fakultet u Nisu

SEENT-MTP Mreza i Kancelarija u Nisu

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