[institut] Seminar utorak (14h) - Jerker Widengren

Brana Jelenkovic branaj at ipb.ac.rs
Fri Aug 31 16:42:43 CEST 2012


S E M I N A R 


Jerker Widengren 

_Exp. Biomol.
Physics / Applied Physics, Royal Inst. Technology (KTH) Stockholm,

Utorak, 4 septembar, 2012 g. u 14 h u Biblioteci Instituta


In FCS there are many ways by which molecular dynamic
processes can be
monitored. One useful strategy is to analyse
fluorescence fluctuations
arising due to a dynamic process taking place,
which switches the
fluorescence of the studied molecules on and off. In
this presentation
it will be discussed how FCS can be used to extract
information from
molecular dynamic processes that change the
fluorescence brightness of
the analysed molecules. It will be shown how
FCS in combination with ion
sensitive fluorophores allow direct
monitoring of ion exchange at a
molecular level, at equilibrium, with no
perturbations, and with
negligible buffer effects from the fluorophores
themselves. Further, it
is shown how FCS offers a straightforward means
to monitor the
population kinetics of photo-induced, non-fluorescent
transient states
of fluorophores. Knowledge about the population
kinetics of these states
is important for the optimization of the
fluorescence signal in single
molecule experiments, but can also provide
complementary dimensions of
fluorescence-based information. 

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