[institut] Seminari Paolo Aschieri

Branislav Cvetkovic cbranislav at ipb.ac.rs
Thu Nov 28 22:24:41 CET 2013

Postovane kolege,

tokom sledece  nedelje u poseti Fizickom fakultetu i  Institutu za 
fiziku boravice Paolo Aschieri sa Unisverziteta u Torinu.
Odrzace kratak kurs pod naslovom "Gemeotry of gauge fields" koji ce  se 
sastojati od tri seminara. Naslov, apstrakt i raspored predavanja vam 
prosledjujem u nastavku.

Geometry of gauge fields

1. Electromagnetism in Quantum Theory and Dirac Charge Quantization
2. Vector bundles and principal bundles.
3. Differential geometry of bundles: connections and curvatures.

We will start from physical considerations regarding the motion of a 
quantum particle in a magnetic field background, and see
how consistency of the system requires the flux of the magnetic field 
to be integer valued. The geometric structure underlying this 
integrality condition is that of a principal U(1) bundle. We will then 
describe (nonabelian) vector bundles and principal bundles from a local 
perspective (transition functions) and a global one. Their differential 
geometry is that of gauge fields.

Termini: sreda 4. decembar, 13-15, ucionica 661 Fakultet
          cetvrtak 5. decembar, 15-17, ucionica 750 Fakultet
          petak 6. decembar, 11-13, Institut

                                                    Pozdrav Branislav
Institute of Physics Belgrade
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia

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