[institut] SCL seminar - Aleksandar Cvetkovic: Numerical integration, petak 11. 10. 2013. u 14:00

Nenad Vukmirović nenad.vukmirovic at ipb.ac.rs
Fri Oct 4 09:52:32 CEST 2013

Поштиване колегинице и колеге,

Позивам вас на СЦЛ семинар који ће у петак 11. октобра 2013. године у 
14:00 у читаоници Института за физику одржати проф. др Александар 
Цветковић (Машински факултет Универзитета у Београду). Наслов семинара је:

Numerical integration

Abstract: First part of the lecture is concered with the computation of 
integrals. We present results obtained in the last ten years connected 
with numerical construction of the Gaussian quadrature rules with focus 
on the results obtained for the complex measures. Speed of convergence 
is analyzed and some bounds are presented. Second part of the lecture is 
concerned with the construction and existence of different variations of 
the Gaussian quadrature rules connected with the interval quadrature 
rules and general theory presented for the operator modified function 
values. Third part is connected with motivation for the quadrature rules 
using Muntz systems as well as some presentation of the stable numerical 
methods for the construction of such quadrature rules.

Срдачан поздрав,

Др Ненад Вукмировић,
Виши научни сарадник,
Лабораторија за примену рачунара у науци,
Институт за физику Београд,
URL: http://www.scl.rs/nenad

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