[institut] Seminar Fizickog fakulteta

Mirzeta Savic mirzetas at ff.bg.ac.rs
Fri Jul 8 12:07:35 CEST 2016

Fizicki fakultet, Studentski trg 12, III sprat
Sreda, 13. juli u 11.15, fizicki amtiteatar (sala 661)

Jelena Maricic
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, University of Hawai'i, Manoa
Title: Elusive neutrinos taking over the BSM stage

One the strongest existing indications of the physics Beyond Standard Model
come from ghost-like particles called neutrinos and phenomenon of neutrino
oscillation. In my talk, I will present a brief history of neutrino
oscillations with emphasis on the results from SNO, SuperK and KamLAND
neutrino experiments. This will be followed by the description of the plan
to uncover whether there is a close connection between neutrinos and
matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe.  Details of the Deep
Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) will be presented.

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