[institut] IPB Colloquium: Pasquale Calabrese, Friday, 24 June, 12:00

Antun Balaz antun at ipb.ac.rs
Fri Jun 17 19:00:50 CEST 2016

Dear colleagues,

You are cordially invited to the IPB COLLOQUIUM which will be held on Friday, 24 June 2016 at 12:00 in “Dr. Dragan Popović” library reading room of the Institute of Physics Belgrade. The talk entitled


will be given by Prof. Pasquale Calabrese (SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy). Abstract of the talk:

The study of the entanglement content of many-body quantum systems has prompted an intense research activity at the crossroad of different disciplines such as statistical mechanics, quantum information, condensed matter, and quantum field theory. The quantification of the entanglement led to a novel and finer characterization of many quantum systems both in and out of equilibrium. In this talk we will review some of the main results in the field, with particular emphasis on the calculation of the entanglement entropy in 1+1 dimensional quantum field theories, and in particular in conformal invariant ones.

Best regards,
Antun Balaž

Dr. Antun Balaž
Deputy Director
Research Professor

E-mail: antun at ipb.ac.rs
Web: http://www.scl.rs/antun

Phone: +381 11 3713152
Fax: +381 11 3162190

Institute of Physics Belgrade
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia

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