[institut] Seminar Fizickog fakulteta

Mirzeta mirzetas at ff.bg.ac.rs
Wed Jun 19 10:05:08 CEST 2019

Sreda 26. jun 2019. u 13h u Fizickom amfiteatru, sala 661, Studentski 
trg 12, III sprat

Dr Vitor Cardoso, Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Lisbon
Title: Testing GR with GWs

Abstract: Two pivotal breakthroughs in physics recently turned 
respectable centennials: the discovery of the Schwarzschild solution, 
describing a non-rotating black hole, and Einstein's prediction of 
gravitational waves. Gravitational waves offer a unique glimpse into the 
unseen universe, and allow us to test the basic tenets of General 
Relativity, some of which have been taken for granted without 
observations: are gravitons massless? Are black holes the simplest 
possible macroscopic objects? do event horizons and black holes really 
exist, or is their formation halted by some as-yet unknown mechanism? Do 
singularities arise in our universe as the outcome of violent 
collisions? Can gravitational waves carry information about the nature 
of the elusive dark matter? In this talk, I will describe the science 
encoded in a gravitational wave signal and what the upcoming years might 
have in store regarding fundamental physics and gravitational waves.

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