[institut] Postdoc pozicija - University of California, Berkeley - Department of Physics

Zoran D. Grujić zoran.grujic at gmail.com
Sun Mar 21 13:25:08 CET 2021

Poštovane kolege,

Prof. Dmitry Budker budker at berkeley.edu traži postdoc istraživača koji bi
radio na UC Berkeley sledećih 1.5 godina.

Više detalja na ovoj stranici (piše da je oglas istekao no nije):

Position description

Postdoctoral Scholar – Atomic and Optical Physics - University of
California, Berkeley - Department of Physics

The Department of Physics at the University of California, Berkeley seeks
applications for a Postdoctoral researcher in the area of atomic and
optical physics, with extensive experience in modeling and experimental
work. This position will be for one year, with the possibility of an
extension for a second and third year, depending upon performance and
availability of funding. The expected start date is Spring 2021. This is a
full-time, 100% appointment.

This position will be in the Atomic Physics group in the Physics Department
of UC Berkeley. The group focuses on applications of atomic-physics methods
to a broad range of problems in fundamental and applied sciences. The
research in this position will be focused on developing novel experimental
techniques for remote-detection (for example, using atoms in the upper
atmosphere) and laboratory based atomic magnetometry and applications.

Basic qualifications: (Required at the time of application)
Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent international degree or be in
the process of obtaining a Ph.D. or equivalent international degree at the
time of application.

Additional qualifications: (Required by start date)
Candidates must have obtained their Ph.D. or equivalent international
degree by the start date of the job.

Preferred qualifications:
Experience with lasers, optics and electronics; modeling of light-matter

Salary and Benefits:
Salary range: $53,460 to $64,008 (full-time, 100% annual rate). Starting
salary will commensurate with experience.
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