[institut] Seminar za teoriju relativnosti i kosmološke probleme - najava za maj

Tatjana Jaksic Kruger tatjana at turing.mi.sanu.ac.rs
Mon May 2 14:44:52 CEST 2022

Поштоване колегинице и колеге,

задовoљство нам је да вас позовемо на предавање др Марка Симоновића које 
ће се одржати у среду, 4. мај, у оквиру Семинара за теорију релативности и 
космолошке моделе.

Предавање ће се одржати на даљину и преносиће се путем 

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приступити на https://miteam.mi.sanu.ac.rs/asset/SgR4tMzurhBNTNz4v.


Среда, 4. мај, 11:00

Др Марко Симоновић, група за теоријску физику у CERN-у, Женева


Апстракт. Small density perturbations are the main object of study in 
cosmology. Their origin and evolution are tightly coupled to the most 
fundamental questions regarding origin, composition and evolution of the 
universe. The most famous example are fluctuations in temperature of the 
microwave background radiation, whose study established LCDM as the 
standard cosmological model and allowed for precise determination of 
cosmological parameters. Studying fluctuations in the number density of 
galaxies in the present-day universe has a large potential to lead to new
discoveries and a lot of observational effort has been put in order to 
harvest as much of the available data as possible. In this talk I will 
review the past success and future prospects of this ambitious program, 
with particular focus on theoretical developments and their 
phenomenological applications.


Регистрациони линк: https://miteam.mi.sanu.ac.rs/asset/CyzPn2zriMsWWNzii 
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др Татјана Јакшић Кругер

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