Obavestavamo sve zainteresovane da ce se na Institutu za fiziku u Zemunu, Pregrevica 118,
u okviru redovnih aktivnosti Projekta MNTRS 1424, odrzati dva predavanja.
Predavac je:
Prof. Dr. Markus W. Sigrist
ETH Zurich
Institute of Quantum Electronics
Laboratory for Laser Spectroscopy
and Environmental Sensing
Hoenggerberg HPF D19
CH-8093 Zurich
1. Prvo predavanje je u ponedeljak 18.11.2002. godine, u sali 10, sa pocetkom u 12.30
"Gas Sensing with Tunable Lasers"
2. Drugo predavanje je u utorak 19.11.2002. godine, u sali 10, sa pocetkom u 12.30
"Trace Gas Analysis using Infrared Laser Spectroscopy"
Predavanja ce se odrzati u sklopu posete profesora Sigrista Institutu za fiziku u Zemunu, Laboratoriji za atomsku, molekulsku i lasersku spektroskopiju. Detaljnije informacije u vezi sa ovim predavanjima mozete dobiti ukoliko posaljete svoj mail na adresu markusev@phy.bg.ac.yu, subject: predavanja.
Apstrakti predavanja
1. Prvo predavanje, ponedeljak 18.11.2002. godine, Institut za fiziku, sala 10, pocetak u 12.30
"Gas Sensing with Tunable Lasers"

Prof. Dr. Markus W. Sigrist
ETH Zurich
Institute of Quantum Electronics
Laboratory for Laser Spectroscopy
and Environmental Sensing
Hoenggerberg HPF D19
CH-8093 Zurich

Trace gas sensing plays an important role in different areas like
environment, industry, agriculture, medical diagnostics, etc. This lecture
discusses the fundamentals and main issues of gas sensing with tunable
lasers emitting in the near- and mid-infrared wavelength range. The
performance of some  systems that we have developed at our institute is
presented. The laser sources employed are near-IR diode lasers, CO2-lasers,
quantum cascade lasers and nonlinear optical sources like optical
parametric oscillators and difference frequency generation: Detection
schemes include multipass absorption, photoacoustics and cavity ringdown.
Illustrative examples ranging from street traffic emission to hydrogen
diffusion in optical fibers are discussed.

2. Drugo predavanje, utorak 19.11.2002. godine, Institut za fiziku, sala 10, pocetak u 12.30
"Trace Gas Analysis using Infrared Laser Spectroscopy"

Prof. Dr. Markus W. Sigrist
ETH Zurich
Institute of Quantum Electronics
Laboratory for Laser Spectroscopy
and Environmental Sensing
Hoenggerberg HPF D19
CH-8093 Zurich

Trace gas analysis requires high sensitivity and selectivity,
multi-component capability, large dynamic range, fieldability, etc. In
recent years we have developed spectroscopic systems based on tunable
infrared lasers that can fulfil many of these requirements. Lasers like
external cavity diode lasers, CO2 lasers, quantum cascade lasers, optical
parametric oscillators and difference frequency generation sources are
employed. Detection schemes include multipass absorption, photoacoustics
and cavity ringdown. The performance of several systems is demonstrated
with illustrative applications such as  street traffic emission
measurements, analysis of fume samples from electro-knive surgery in
hospitals or monitoring of hydrogen diffusion in optical fibers