Seminar Fizickog fakulteta "Superprovodni kvantni fazni prelaz u neuredjenim feromagneticima" Rastko Sknepnek University of Missouri-Rolla Seminar ce se odrzati u sredu 18. decembra 2002. godine u 15 casova u fizickom amfiteatru (III sprat, sala 661) Abstract: This talk addresses connection between two intriguing topics in contemporary condensed matter physics: quantum phase transitions, i.e. abrupt changes in ground state properties of the system at zero temperature as some external parameter is varied, and exotic superconductivity, i.e. superconducting pairing in higher, non-s, angular momentum channel. Recent experiments observed a triplet, p-wave, superconducting state inside the ferromagnetic phase in various transition metal compounds, opening numerous questions on origin and physical properties of such a state. We briefly summarize major properties of quantum criticality and exotic superconductivity. Then we concentrate on the specific example of a quantum phase transition from a metal to a disordered p-wave superconductor and describe the quantum critical behavior of such a transition making connection to experiments. Reference: 1-Order parameter symmetry and mode coupling effects at dirty superconducting quantum phase transitions, Rastko Sknepnek, Thomas Vojta, Rajesh Narayanan, (cond-mat/0211519) 2-Infinite-randomness critical point in the itinerant quantum, Rastko Sknepnek, Thomas Vojta, (cond-mat/0206161)