Postovane kolege i koleginice,
Imamo zadovoljstvo da vas obavestimo da ce se u okviru projekta WYP2005 Europe u Beogradu odrzati Workhop "Physics education and school architecture". Istovremeno vas pozivamo da ucestvujete na tom skupu koji se odrzava u Institutu za fiziku 16 i 17 decembra 2005 godine.
Osnovni podaci o skupu se nalaze u nastavku, a  kompletne informacije na Web sajtu
Sa srdacnim pozdravima,
dr Mirjana Popovic-Bozic
koordinator aktivnosti  
"Fizika u skolskoj arhitekturi"
----- Original Message -----
From: European Physical Society
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 11:14 AM
Subject: Physarch Workshop - World year of Physics 2005

Dear Colleague,


It is my pleasure to inform you of a Workshop  PHYSICS EDUCATION AND SCHOOL ARCHITECTURE - PHYSARCH that will take place December 16-17, in Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro.


The Workshop is about implementation of physics education devices and tools into school buildings and courtyards in order to reshape school into the  “science environment”. Such environment would inspire interest for physics and science. It could help active learning and improve the understanding of basic scientific and physical principles and concepts.


The Workshop was planned under the Project WYP2005 EUROPE lead by European Physical Society ( and supported by Commission of the European Communities.


We invite physicists researchers, physicists teachers, architects, producers of educational equipment, school investors and school authorities to participate with contributions in one of the four sections listed at the Web site of the Workshop :


Please register your participation at the same Web site.


Looking forward to your contribution and participation,


with best regards,  

Mirjana Bozic,

President of the Organizing Committee




Ophélia Fornari



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