Drage koleginice i kolege,
Od  Evropskog drustva fizicara dobili smo obavestenje o Prvom Forumu FIZIKA i DRUSTVO, koji  se odrzava od 19 do 22 aprila u Gracu.  Detaljnije o ovome skupu i njegovom cilju mozete procitati u attachmentu. 
Srdacno vas pozdravljam,
Prof. dr Ilija Savic
Predsednik Drustva fizicara Srbije
----- Original Message -----
From: European Physical Society
To: o.fornari@eps.org
Cc: ducloy@galilee.univ-paris13.fr ; d.lee@eps.org ; opo@iha.dk ; 'Christophe P Rossel'
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 12:10 PM
Subject: Invitation Forum Physics and Society, 19-22 April, 2006, Graz, Austria

Dear Colleagues,


Please find in attachment the invitation for the « Forum on Physics and Society » which will be held in Graz, Austria, from 19-22 April 2006.

One of the actions is to bring together physicists and decision makers from policy and economics for an information exchange and in-depth debate to reach an agreement on the role of physics in modern society.


Best regards

Ophélia Fornari

Project Leader EPS Activities 

European Physical Society

Tel.: 0033 3 89 32 94 48 (directe line)

Fax: 0033 3 89 32 94 49

Email: o.fornari@eps.org


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