On behalf of the ICOM 2006 Organizing Committee,

I would like to invite you to participate in the International Conference

on Physics of Optical Materials and Devices

(http://www.vin.bg.ac.yu/ICOM2006/ICOM2006.htm), which will take place

in Herceg-Novi, Serbia and Montenegro, from

August 31st  to September 2nd 2006.


This conference will provide an interdisciplinary exchange forum

in the field of materials for optical applications. It will develop the

state of the art in preparation methods, optical characterization

and practical use of optical materials and devices in various

photonic fields. The topics will include:


science and technology of elaboration of optical materials

(bulk and nanocrystals)

rare earth and transition metal activated materials for

optoelectronic applications

recent progress in solid state laser materials and their new

applications; new laser devices

hole-burning materials and mechanisms of photon echoes

and coherent transients

new functionalized optical materials (

organics and inorganics)

optical characterization and high resolution spectroscopy

physical properties of optical materials (magnetic, dielectric,

mechanical, .......)

photo-induced processes and laser-material interactions

photoacoustic and photothermal spectroscopy

optical materials and devices for environmental and

biomedical applications


theory and modeling


The official conference language is English.


The program will consist of invited lectures, oral contributions and

poster session.


An abstract book will be provided for participants at the

conference. Authors are invited to submit a

full-length papers (unlimited size) of their accepted

presentation for review and possible

publication in Optical Materials published

by Elsevier. All manuscript submissions

will be subject to the normal refereeing

procedures for the journal. Submission of

a manuscript implies that the paper is not

being simultaneously considered for

publication elsewhere and that the authors

have obtained the necessary authority for



Your manuscript should be prepared according to the journal’s

guide for authors which can be found on the journal web page at



Detailed information on the journal is also available on the web

page. The manuscripts should be submitted by email to the

Conference secretariat (please send your file as an MS WORD

(.doc) attachment) or at the Conference desk during the

conference. Authors are encouraged to list the names (addresses

and telephone numbers) of up to five individuals outside their

institution who are qualified to serve as referees for their paper.

The referees selected will not necessarily be from the list

suggested by the author.

Please type abstract in English language and submit it as

attached document together with registration form by email to

dramican@vin.bg.ac.yu (cc: bruno-viana@enscp.fr).


Subject of your email: icom2006-yourSurname

Title of the attached file: surname of the first author

Send one e-mail per abstract.


Use Microsoft Word or plain ASCII file. Please leave out figures

and equations from abstract text.


Abstract size: A4, top margin 4.5 cm, bottom margins 2.5 cm,

left and right margins 3 cm

Line spacing: Single

Font: Times New Roman


(FONT SIZE 14 pt)

(1 line spacing)

Name(s) of Author(s)

(underline the author who will present the paper)

(center. font size 12 pt)

Institution or Company, City, Country, Email

(center, font size 12 pt, italic) (2 line spacing)

Text: single spaced in one paragraph (font size 12 pt)


Registration fee covers admission to the conference sessions, the

Book of abstracts and conference materials, welcome party,

coffee breaks, and conference dinner. Registration fees are as



Early registration:

For regular participants 150 EUR

For students* 75 EUR



For regular participants 200 EUR

For students* 100 EUR


At conference

For regular participants 250 EUR

For students* 100 EUR


*Book of abstracts and conference dinner not included


Important dates are given in attached file.


Participants from Serbia and Montenegro can pay fee in Serbian

dinars according to exchange rate of National Bank of Serbia on

the day of payment.

Payments should be made to:

Account: /18035010

Komercijalna banka AD Beograd, Sv. Save 14

11000 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro

Swift Code: KOBBCSBG

Beneficiary: 7035250

Vinča Institute of Nucelar Sciences, 11001 Belgrade,

P.O.Box 522 (with the note "ICOM2006").

For participants from Serbia and Montenegro payments in dinars

should be made to:

Korisnik: Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Lab. 030

Svrha plaćanja: Kotizacija-ICOM2006 za “ime i prezime”

Žiro Račun: 840-595666-64

U slučaju da je potrebna profaktura obratite se sekretarijatu



Please register by providing the following information which you

are asked to send together with your Abstract or via email:


ICOM 2006 Registration

Surname: ..................................................................................................................................................................

Name: ............................................................................................................................................................................

Title: ..................................................................................................................................................................................

Affiliation: ..................................................................................................................................................................


Phone No: ..............................................................................................................................................................

Fax No: ........................................................................................................................................................................


Abstract Title:..................................................................................

Authors: ......................................................................................................................................................................

Affiliations: .................................................................................................



Dr. Dragan D. Markushev

Laboratory for Atomic,

Molecular & Laser Spectroscopy

Pregrevica 118

11080 Beograd-Zemun



phone: +381-11-3160-260 ext 158 or 160

fax: +381-11-3162-190

cell: +381-64-2169-816

e-mail: markusev@phy.bg.ac.yu

