-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Post doctoral position : "Multiscale methods for plasma models"
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 15:54:25 +0200
From: (FROM) Pierre Degond <degond@mip.ups-tlse.fr>
Reply-To: degond@mip.ups-tlse.fr
To: draganam@phy.bg.ac.yu

Dear collegue,

This is to inform you of the publication of a CNRS post-doc
position within the Institute of Mathematics in Toulouse, 
to work with me on the theme of 

Multiscale methods for plasma models

Below is a short description of the project. 

Administrative informations can be obtained on 
the web site of CNRS 
The position can be found at the tab
List of openings/
Mathematics, physics, earth sciences and astronomy
with the reference M.P.P.U./16

I would be grateful if you could forward this information
to any potentially interested person. I beg your pardon 
for possible multiple emails. 

Pierre Degond

detail of the offer : M.P.P.U./16

• Heading of offer
Multiscale methods for plasma models 

• Description of the project
The applicant will join a team of about 10 people working 
on the mathematical and numerical modeling of plasmas in 
connection with the CEA (Atomic Energy Commission), in 
particular in the frame of the ITER tokamak project. 
The proposed workplan consists in designing and investigating 
the properties of new multiscale methods for plasma fluid 
models in the drift limit. This limit arises when an intense 
magnetic field is applied. It leads to so-called gyro-fluid 
models, the resolution of which is quite complex. The proposed 
work project will consist in finding numerical methods for 
the fluid equations prior to the passage to the limit, but 
which remain stable and become consistant with the gyro-fluid 
models after passage to the limit. Such methods, after 
validation, could represent a breakthrough in the numerical 
approximation of tokamak plasmas. 

• Candidat profile
The applicant must have a PhD in Applied Mathematics or 
in computational mechanics or physics, and will have a solid 
experience of modelling and numerical simulation via partial 
differential equations. She/he will be motivated by research 
in general, and by modelling and numerical simulation of 
partial differential equations in particular. She/he will 
be eager to become an active member of the group, to work 
within the group with a positive and collaborative spirit 
and to contribute to the advancement of the works of the 
group by her/his work and expertise. 

• Duration of project
1 year 

• Laboratory of project
UMR 5219 
Midi Pyrénées (14) 
Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse 

• Contact
Degond Pierre  
+ 33 5 61 55 63 69 


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Serbia and Montenegro 

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