---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: "Marko Popovic" <marko@phy.bg.ac.yu>
To: antun@phy.bg.ac.yu
Sent: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 14:01:13 +0100
Subject: Fw:

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From: "Polychroniadis E.K." <polychr@auth.gr>
To: "'Metin ARIK'" <metin.arik@boun.edu.tr>, <vciupina@univ-ovidius.ro>, <upb@phys.uni-sofia.bg>, Sent: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 08:59:05 +0200

Dear colleagues,

With this letter I would like to announce the Winter School:

Growth and characterization of Advanced Materials focused on Microstructural Characterization by Electron Microscopy

that I will organize in Thessaloniki, from January 14th to 18th, 2008.

This is a continuation of the schools that I have been organizing as activities of the Balkan Solid State Physics Institute. As you can understand, I am trying to keep the Institute active, not only for scientific reasons, but also in an effort to bring the young scientists from our countries closer together. I believe that, in this way, I can contribute towards a better collaboration among our countries.

This time the school is organized in the framework of the RTN European Project [UTF-8?]�Promoting and structuring a multidisciplinary academic-industrial network through the heteropolytype growth, characterization and applications of 3C-SiC on hexagonal [UTF-8?]substrates� (MANSiC), but it is also open to non-MANSiC participants.

The school sessions will cover mainly the most fundamental subjects in the field of the microstructural characterization of materials and especially the Electron Microscopy techniques. This means that the school will review the current stage of knowledge in the field of Electron Microscopy and it is addressed to all young scientists who want to take an introductory course in Electron Microscopy and to open a window into the nano-world. As it is well known, Electron Microscopy is the key technique for a direct observation of the microstructure and the nanoscaled materials themselves. Apart from the lectures, a hands-on training on specimen preparation techniques will also be offered.

As the organization of the school is covered by the EU through the project, the participation fees are only [UTF-8?]� 130, covering the attendance to the lectures, the practical training in the lab, coffee breaks and lunches during the school, participation in all social events and the educational material. On the other hand, each participant has to cover their own additional local expenses including accommodation and traveling to and from Thessaloniki. Only for the purpose of the school, a limited number of double rooms have been reserved under the price of [UTF-8?]� 35 per person per night including breakfast. Also a limited number of partial scholarships will be available upon request, the deadline for which is November 25, 2007. For this reason, a personal application letter, supported by a recommendation letter, is needed, stating also the status of the PhD student.

So, please inform your postgraduate and PhD students.

If you would like some printed posters, please send me your full address.

For more information please visit the website of the school at http://pam1.physics.auth.gr/

or contact pam1@physics.auth.gr

Best regards,


E.K. Polychroniadis

Department of Physics

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Thessaloniki 54124, Greece

Tel.: +30.2310.998163

Fax: +30.2310.998241

e-mail: polychr@auth.gr

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Institute of Physics, Belgrade

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Antun Balaz
Research Assistant
E-mail: antun@phy.bg.ac.yu
Web: http://scl.phy.bg.ac.yu/

Phone: +381 11 3713152
Fax: +381 11 3162190

Scientific Computing Laboratory
Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia