Postovane kolege,

u prilogu su aktivnosti koje krajem avgusta organizuje Drustvo fizicara Turske.

Molim Vas da obavestite svoje studente o onima koje se odnose na njih.

Nagrade su pristojne, a moze se dobiti i besplatno ucesce na

nekoj od konferencija koje oraganizuje Evropsko fizicko drustvo.

Sa nadom da ce i neko iz Srbije uzeti ucesce na ovim skupovima.

Pozdrav svima, Marko Popovic.

---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: Baki Akkuş <>
To: <>
Sent: Wed, 9 Apr 2008 12:45:44 +0300
Subject: BPU

Dear Marko,


We would like to announce three activities that will be organized in

Bodrum / TURKEY.


1- Balkan Physical Union Second International Physics Project Competition For University

Students 18-20 August, 2008


The aim of the event is to create a friendly and scientific atmosphere

between the students. The best projects will be awarded.


The conference web site is located at



For further information, please contact Adjoint Presidents of Organizing Committee - Ela Ganioglu or Lidya Susam by e-mail address.


The language of the conference is English.



2- ISCBPU - 6, The Sixth International Student Conference of the

Balkan Physical Union 21-24 August, 2008


The purpose of the conference is to encourage and initiate students

into research and to supply them with practical experience in

preparing and giving presentations.


The conference web site is located at


For further information, please contact

Coordinators : Cagil Cinar or Erdem Erdogan by

e-mail address.


The language of the conference is English.



3- Turkish Physical Society 25th International Physics Conference

25-29 August, 2008


The conference web site is located at


For further information, please contact

Coordinators : Gulfem Susoy or Seda Persembe by

e-mail address.


Please forward this announcement to undergraduate and graduate

students in Physics and especially encourage them to attend the

conference with an oral or a poster presentation.


Sincerely yours,


Prof. Dr. Metin Arik - President of Balkan Physical Union

Prof. Dr. Baki Akkuş - President of Turkish Physical Society









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Institute of Physics, Belgrade