Postovane kolege,

prosledjujem Vam najavu interesantnih konferencija za mlade fizicare i studente koje organuzuju Drustvo fizicara Turske i Balkanska fizicka unija.

Molim Vas da, koliko ste u mogucnosti, upoznate svoje studente i mlade saradnike sa ovim aktivnostima.

Unapred Vam se zahvaljujem, Marko Popovic.

---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: "Conferences in Turkey 2008" <>
To: N/A
Sent: Fri, 9 May 2008 18:22:50 +0300
Subject: Announcements from Balkan Physical Union and Turkish Physical Society

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to announce three activities that will be organized in
Bodrum / TURKEY.

1- Balkan Physical Union Second International Physics Project
Competition For University Students, 18-20 August, 2008

The aim of the event is to create a friendly and scientific atmosphere
between the students. The best projects will be awarded.

The conference web site is located at

For further information, please contact

Adjoint Presidents of Organizing Committee - Ela Ganioglu or Lidya
Susam by e-mail address.

The language of the conference is English.

2- ISCBPU - 6, The Sixth International Student Conference of the
Balkan Physical Union 21-24 August, 2008

The purpose of the conference is to encourage and initiate students
into research and to supply them with practical experience in
preparing and giving presentations.

The conference web site is located at

For further information, please contact

President of Organizing Committee R.Burcu Cakirli or Coordinator Cagil Cinar by
e-mail address.

The language of the conference is English.

3- Turkish Physical Society 25th International Physics Conference
25-29 August, 2008

The conference web site is located at

For further information, please contact

Coordinators : Gulfem Susoy or Seda Persembe by
e-mail address.

Please forward this announcement to undergraduate and graduate
students in Physics and especially encourage them to attend the
conference with an oral or a poster presentation.

Sincerely yours,

Prof. Dr. Metin Arik - President of Balkan Physical Union
Prof. Dr. Baki Akkus - President of Turkish Physical Society

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Institute of Physics, Belgrade