Centra za atomsku i subatomsku fiziku
Laboratorija za fiziku atomskih sudarnih procesa
” Fault tolerant control for multi-sensor switching schemes: Invariant set constructions and implications”
Supélec (École Supérieure d'Électricité)
utorak, 28.10.2008. u 12 h, velika sala ”Zvonko Marić” Instituta za fiziku, Pregrevica 118, Zemun
Saradnja iz programa "Pavle Savic"
Presenter: Sorin Olaru
Sorin Olaru received his B.S. (2001) and M.S. (2002) in electrical
engineering from the University "Politehnica" Bucharest, and the PhD.
degree (2005) in Automatic Control from University Paris XI, France.
He held a research position in INRIA Rennes and visiting appointments
at NTNU Trondheim (Norway) and CSDC Newcastle (Australia). He is
currently an assistant professor in Supélec (École Supérieure
d'Électricité) France.
Sorin Olaru is the receipt of the EU Archimedes prize 2002 for his
work on the predictive control for hybrid systems with applications in
irrigations. His research interests include the optimisation-based
control techniques, viability and geometrical characterisation of
constrained control. Lately he is involved in research projects
related to network control systems with results on fault tolerant
control and control of systems affected by delays.
In this talk we will present several results on the control on
multi-sensor schemes. The control design is based on a switching
strategy (among the state estimations) and handles the fault
appearance by geometrical separation of the sets characterising the
healthy and faulty system functioning.
Positive invariance is a common analysis and control design tool for
systems affected by constraints and disturbances. In the present talk,
the construction of epsilon-approximations of minimal robust positive
invariant sets for linear systems will be revisited. The results are
used in the context of multi-sensor control schemes which have to deal
with attraction basins and invariant sets for different operating
regimes. Indeed, these are specific problems originated by the
switching between different sensor-estimator pairs and by the presence
of faults in some of the sensors. Within the same framework, global
stability of the switching strategies can be assured if the invariant
sets topology allows the exclusive selection of estimates obtained
from healthy sensors.
The problem of sensor recovery will be evoked and extensions of the
method to nonlinear models are pointed out. Finally, is shown that
receding horizon optimisation strategies can be further used to
improve the performances and to allow an increased range of fault
tolerant functioning.
Dr. Bratislav Marinkovic
Institute of Physics, Belgrade
Center for Atomic and Subatomic Physics
Laboratory for Atomic Collision Processes
Pregrevica 118, P.O.Box 68
11080 Belgrade PAK:200423, SERBIA
tel:+381 11 316 0882
fax:+381 11 316 2190