SFKM2011: Call for Papers

The 18th Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics (SFKM2011) will be held in Belgrade, Serbia on 18 - 22 April 2011.

The aim of SFKM2011 is to provide an international forum for the presentation and discussion of recent advances in Condensed Matter Physics, broadly defined, both in theory and in experiment.

The Symposium will consist of invited plenary lectures, contributed short oral presentations, and posters sessions. A special session is planned on Monday April 18, 2011, in the Ceremonial Hall of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, to celebrate 100th anniversary of the discovery of superconductivity and 25th anniversary of the discovery of high-temperature superconductivity. Subsequent sessions will be held at the Kolarac Foundation building. A conference excursion is planned on Wednesday April 20, 2011.

Conference presentations are solicited from a broad range of topics within the Condensed Matter Physics, including (but not limited to) the following.

Superconductivity and highly-correlated systems: Heavy fermions; Quantum critical phenomena; Pairing mechanisms; High Tc superconductivity; New materials with strong correlations; Dynamical properties from time-resolved experiments

Surface, interface and low-dimensional physics: Graphene; Carbon and other nanotubes; Complex oxide interfaces

Semiconductor physics: Theory of electronic structure, Quantum dots and wires, Photonic crystals, High magnetic fields phenomena, Ultra-fast phenomena, Quantum fluids and condensed matter with cold atoms

Magnetism: Magnetic structures; Magnetic phase transitions; Magneto-electronics and spintronics, Magnetic nanoparticles)

Phase transitions

Ferroelectricity and Multiferroics

Polymer physics 


The Symposium is organized by Faculty of Physics University of Belgrade, in cooperation with: Institute of Physics Belgrade and Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Vinča", under the patronage of Serbian Physics Society and Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Conference sponsors: Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA) and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Serbia.


Conference Committees

Conference Chairman: Ivan Božović (Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY) 

Program committee

Zoran Radović, chairman (University of Belgrade)

Nataša Bibić (Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinča, Belgrade)

Milan Damnjanović (University of Belgrade)

Vladimir Dobrosavljević (Florida State University, Tallahassee)

Laslo Forro (University of Lausanne)

Igor Herbut (Simon Fraser University, Vancouver)

Milan Knežević (University of Belgrade)

Miodrag Kulić (Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main)

Milica Milovanović (Institute of Physics, Belgrade)

Cedomir Petrovic (Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY)

Zoran Popović (Institute of Physics, Belgrade)

Jelena Radovanović (University of Belgrade)

Mario Škrinjar (University of Novi Sad)

Bosiljka Tadić ("Jožef Štefan" Institute, Ljubljana)

Zlatko Tešanović (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore)

Filip Vukajlović (Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinča, Belgrade)

Organizing committee:

Ivan Belča, chairman (University of Belgrade)

Antun Balaž (Institute of Physics, Belgrade)

Edib Dobardžić (University of Belgrade)

Branislav Nikolić (University of Delaware, Newark)

Zoran Nikolić (University of Belgrade)

Mirzeta Savić (University of Belgrade)


Ivan Belca

University of Belgrade Faculty of Physics

Studentski trg 12

Belgrade 11000, Serbia

E-mail:              bivan@ff.bg.ac.rs

Phone:              +381 11 2630 152

Mobile:             +381 64 2826 714

Mirzeta Savic

University of Belgrade Faculty of Physics

Studentski trg 12

Belgrade 11000, Serbia

E-mail:              mirzetas@ff.bg.ac.rs

Phone:              +381 11 2630 152

Mobile:             +381 62 8042 197


Registration can be made, and additional information found, at the conference website:


Early registration closes on 15 February 2011.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!