Seminar Fizičkog fakulteta

Sreda, 21. novembar 2012. godine u 11 časova u fizičkom amfitetaru, sala 661, Studentski trg 12, III sprat


“Charge transport on a single molecule level using the mechanically controllable break junctions (MCBJ) technique”

Diana Dulić

Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, Lorentzweg 1, 2628 CJ Delft, The Netherlands




Exploring the possibilities to use individual molecules as building blocks of molecular devices is one of the most difficult tasks in the field if molecular electronics. To achieve this it is necessary to measure, understand and control electron transport through molecules attached to electrodes.


Despite enormous advances in the field in the past ten years, a number of fundamental questions, such as: “What is the nature of transport through these systems, and how can we employ and tune their electrical properties for new electronic devices?” have not been answered yet.


The conductance of a molecule depends not only on its intrinsic properties, but is very sensitive to the atomic level details of the molecule-electrode contact and the local environment of the molecule. Therefore, the main question is: “How to reliably connect a nano-object to the macroscopic world?”


 I will present an overview in the development of the mechanically controllable break junctions (MCBJ) technique in the past ten years and some recent advances, such as mechanical and electrostatical (gate) tuning of the charge transport in a single - porphyrin molecule.