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" Bioreactors providing modular mechanical signals for tissue engineering"


održati u čitaonici Instituta za fiziku u sredu, 2. aprila, sa početkom u 13:00 h.


Seminar će održati profesor Laboratorije za biomehaniku i bioinženjerstvo Univerziteta u Patrasu (Laboratory of Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
 Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics Dept. University of Patras
) Yannis F.Missirlis. Profesor Missirilis je član COST akcije TD1002: European network on applications of Atomic Force Microscopy to NanoMedicine and Life Sciences čiji je glavni cilj razvoj i transfer atomske mikroskopije sile u molekularnoj medicini (nanomedicine) i kliničkom istraživanju.



The use of bioreactors in tissue engineering applications is of paramount importance. The fate of the cells and their capacity to generate the appropriate tissue depends on many parameters, such as the overall scaffold properties, the biochemical milieu, and the mechanical environment.

It is well known that different tissues experience different mechanical stimuli, or combinations of such stimuli, and examples will be given.

The design and construction of a modular bioreactor will be presented to demonstrate the response of cultured endothelial cells within a tube under a combination of flow, substrate stretching, and fast rotation. Attempts to relate the external mechanical cues to intracellular reorganization of the force carrying elements will be given.



Srdačan pozdrav,




Dr Radmila Panajotovic

Institute of Physics

Pregrevica 118

Tel: +381 11 3713166