Call for papers

   ADG 2023

Fourteenth International Conference on Automated Deduction in Geometry
Belgrade, Serbia, September 20-22, 2023


ADG is a forum to exchange ideas and views, to present research results
and progress, and to demonstrate software tools at the intersection
between geometry and automated deduction. The conference is held every
two years. The previous editions of ADG were held in Hagenberg in 2020
(due to coronavirus pandemic, the conference was held online in 2021),
Nanning in 2018, Strasbourg in 2016, Coimbra in 2014, Edinburgh in 2012,
Munich in 2010, Shanghai in 2008, Pontevedra in 2006, Gainesville in
2004, Hagenberg in 2002, Zurich in 2000, Beijing in 1998, and Toulouse
in 1996.

The 14th edition, ADG 2023, will be held in Belgrade, Serbia, in
September 20-22, 2023.


Relevant topics include (but are not limited to):

  * polynomial algebra, invariant and coordinate-free methods;
  * probabilistic, synthetic, and logic approaches, techniques for
    automated geometric reasoning from discrete mathematics,
    combinatorics, and numerics;
  * interactive theorem proving in geometry;
  * symbolic and numeric methods for geometric computation, geometric
    constraint solving, automated generation/reasoning and manipulation
    with diagrams;
  * automated deduction in non-euclidean geometries;
  * design and implementation of geometry software, automated theorem
    provers, special-purpose tools, experimental studies;
  * applications of ADG in mechanics, geometric modelling, CAGD/CAD,
    computer vision, robotics and education;
  * artificial Intelligence methods in automated reasoning in geometry.

    Special Focus

This edition of ADG will have additional special focus topic: *Deduction
in Education*

    Submission Guidelines

We invite submission of extended abstracts (3 to 12 pages).

The submissions abstracts must address the following aspects explicitly.

  * Problem: What is the problem/question/objective?
  * Motivation: Why do we work on the problem? What is the importance?
  * State of the Art: What has been done already on the problem?
  * Contribution: What is the main original contribution?
  * Main Idea: What is the main idea underlying the contribution?

The submissions should follow the standard Springer LNCS Proceedings

Extended abstracts are to be submitted as PDF via EasyChair (at If you have any
problems with the submission of your abstract, or questions concerning
ADG 2023 or EasyChair, please contact

    Refereeing and Publication

  * The submitted extended abstracts will be reviewed by the Program
  * Informal proceedings (of extended abstracts accepted for
    presentation) in printed form will be available at the conference.
    Also, informal proceedings in digital form will be available from
    the conference web page. The authors are free to submit their
    abstracts for publication in other forums.
  * The authors of extended abstracts accepted for presentation at the
    conference will be invited to submit their full papers for
    publication in formal post-proceedings of ADG 2023 after the
    conference. (The post-proceedings of ADG 1996, ADG 1998, ADG 2000,
    ADG 2002, and ADG 2004, ADG 2006, ADG 2010, ADG 2012 and ADG 2014
    appeared as LNAI 1360, LNAI 1669, LNAI 2061, LNAI 2930, LNAI 3763,
    LNAI 4869, LNCS 6877, LNAI 7993 and LNAI 9201 respectively).
  * All participants are encouraged to bring along posters on their
    geometric work (irrespective of whether it is to be presented at the
    conference) for display during ADG 2023.

    Important Dates

  * June 5: extended abstracts submission
  * July 3: notification of acceptance
  * September 4: final version due
  * September 20-22: ADG 2023

    Invited Speakers

  * Zlatan Magajna, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia:
      o Workshop OK Geometry
  * Filip Maric, University of Belgrade, Serbia:
      o Automatization, formalization and visualization of hyperbolic
  * Julien Narboux, University of Strasbourg, France:
      o TBA

    General Chair

  * Predrag Janičić (University of Belgrade, Serbia)

    Program Committee Chair

  * Pedro Quaresma (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
  * Zoltán Kovács (JKU Linz School of Education, Austria)

    Local Chair

  * Vesna Marinković (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade,

    Program Committee (tentative)

  * Francisco Botana, University of Vigo, Spain
  * Xiaoyu Chen, Beihang University, China
  * Thierry Dana-Picard, Jerusalem College of Technology, Israel
  * Jacques Fleuriot, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
  * Tetsuo Ida, University of Tsukuba, Japan
  * Claudia Nalon, University of Brasilia, Brazil.
  * Pavel Pech, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, Czechia
  * Tomas Recio, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, Spain
  * Ileana Streinu, Smith College, USA
  * Steven Van Vaerenbergh, University of Cantabria, Spain
  * María Pilar Vélez, Universidad Nebrija. Spain
  * Dingkang Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  * Dongming Wang, Beihang University, China
  * Jing Yang, Guangxi University for Nationalities, China