Drage koleginice i kolege, 

ProsleÄ‘ujem vam informaciju o otovorenoj postdoc poziciji na Institutu za fiziku u Zagrebu. 

Zainteresovani se mogu javiti meni ili pak koleginici Ticijani Ban direktno. 



dr Aleksandar J. Krmpot, naucni savetnik
Institut za fiziku, Pregrevica 118, 11080 Beograd-Zemun, SRBIJA

dr. Aleksandar J. Krmpot, research professor
Institute of Physics, Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade- Zemun, SERBIA
telefon/phone:  +381 11 3713 012
mobilni/cell:   +381 64 202 65 62
e-posta/e-mail: krmpot@ipb.ac.rs

PhD and postdoc positions
@the Quantum Technology Group at the CALT Department of the Institute of
Physics in Zagreb, Croatia, http://cold.ifs.hr/
Openings July 2023
We are happy to announce openings for PhD and postdoc positions. We are looking for
talented and highly-motivated candidates to join our Quantum Technology Group at the
Institute of Physics in Zagreb, Croatia.
Who we are
We are an experimental group engaged in research in the field of quantum simulators based
on (ultra)cold atoms, quantum metrology and sensors, and quantum communications. The
group consists of three research teams working on: a) development of new techniques for
laser cooling and trapping of cold rubidium atoms, b) establishment of an optical atomic clock
based on cold strontium atoms, the operational atomic clock is expected by the end of 2023,
and c) development of new types of optical frequency comb based quantum memories.
For more details abour our research visit our web page at http://cold.ifs.hr/
PhD position:
The project will involve the development of an optical atomic clock based on cold strontium
atoms and the dissemination of the optical clock frequency to users, for the purpose of the
atomic clocks synchronization. The dissemination of the optical clock frequency will be carried
out within the project Deployment of the first experimental QCI system and network in the
Republic of Croatia (CrOQCI). The candidate will be embedded in an active research
environment. Research methods include high-resolution laser spectroscopy, frequency
stabilization techniques of continuous-wave lasers and optical frequency combs, and laser
cooling and trapping techniques.
Postdoc position:
The post forms part of a larger project on deployment of the first experimental quantum
communication infrastructure systems and network in the Republic of Croatia (CroQCI). The
project will involve the development of high-performance quantum memory for application
in quantum communication. The candidate will be embedded in an active research
environment and will work on development of modular systems, such as systems for the
generation of atomic vapours, frequency stabilized laser systems, high finesse optical cavities
and photon synchronization and detection systems, and their integration in quantum
If you are interested, send an email to ticijana@ifs.hr and I will inform you
about the details of the application. Looking forward to your application.