
Prosledjujem najavu MathWorks seminara 4. Aprila na Bioloskom fakultetu, posto vam MATLAB i teme mogu biti od interesa.

Puno pozdrava,
Associate Professor, Head of Quantitative Biology Group
Associate Editor, Frontiers in Genetics, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
Studentski trg 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Marco Rossi <>
Date: Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 6:11 PM
Subject: [Seminar] From Classroom to Research Frontier: Empowering Innovation with MATLAB
To: Marko Đorđević <>, Miroslav Živić <>, Andjela Rodić <>, Sofija Marković <>, Milena Milošević <>, Jasna Kovacevic <>, <>, <>

Dear academicians at University of Belgrade,


We are excited to announce an upcoming seminar as part of the MathWorks and Gamax Laboratory Solution Edu Tour in Serbia. This event is part of our ongoing commitment to fostering learning, innovation, and collaboration among our community. We cordially invite you to join us for what promises to be an enlightening session.


Title: From Classroom to Research Frontier: Empowering Innovation with MATLAB

Date: Thursday, 4th April

Time: 10:30 – 11:30

Location: Room 70 - 2nd floor - Institute of Physiology and Biochemistry - Faculty of Biology - Studentski trg 3

This seminar is designed to cater to a wide range of interests and the agenda will cover the following topics:

  • Teaching and research with MATLAB
  • AI and Machine Learning with MATLAB
  • Solving differential equations with MATLAB
  • Parallel Computing with MATLAB
  • Application building (Graphical User Interface - GUI) with MATLAB

Please feel free to share this invitation with any academicians which can be interested from this event. Let us know if you will be able to attend by responding to this email. Your early confirmation will greatly assist us in making the necessary arrangements to accommodate all interested attendees.


Looking forward of meeting you in Belgrade.





Dr.-Ing. Marco Rossi

Education Customer Success

Direct  : (+39) 011.227.4708 - Mobile : (+39) 339.60.60.643

Email :



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University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology
