Poštovane kolege,

U ime tima, pozivam vas na prezentaciju koncepta i prvih rezultata projekta crAIRsis iz programa PRIZMA Fonda za nauku Republike Srbije koja će se održati u čitaonici "Dragan Popović" u petak 26. aprila u 12 časova.

Rezime projekta se nalazi u nastvku:

Title: Characterizing crises-caused air pollution alterations using an artificial intelligence-based framework

Background. The COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine significantly affected many aspects of life and the environment in Europe. We know little about the impact of multiple crises on air quality. Understanding air pollution (AP)-related processes in crises based on data-driven research is vital for anticipating, avoiding, and mitigating their substantial threats to human health and the environment to guarantee global sustainability.

Methods. crAIRsis will (1) introduce a novel multi-agent multi-swarm approach to perform hyperparameter tuning and training deep learning models for time series prediction and forecast, and (2) couple it with explainable artificial intelligence methods to accurately interrelate crises-contextualized features and capture and characterize defining factors and processes that shape AP in crises.

Novelty. crAIRsis will develop the first artificial intelligence (AI)-based framework capable of detecting, characterizing, and predicting initial signals and trajectories of growth, maturity, decline, and the end of AP alterations caused by crises.

Impact. crAIRsis will pave the way for a new concept in environmental modeling based on contextualizing the data and the AI-based framework for modeling spatio-temporal data and processes. These are likely to advance scientific research and support AP and crisis management to prevent human exposure to AP and adverse health effects.

Expected results. crAIRsis has the potential to substantially improve scientific knowledge and understanding of the complex factors that govern the environmental fate of hundreds of air-polluting species in crises on local, regional, and global levels. Consequently, it could provide novel, in-depth insights into the role of region-specificpolicy-specific, and society-specific factors in shaping the AP in Serbia and the rest of Europe caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine as a crisis.

S poštovanjem,

Andreja Stojić

Institute of Physics Belgrade
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia