Dear colleagues,

It’s our pleasure to inform you that the next SEENET-MTP online seminar:

Dynamical RG flows and universality in classical multifield cosmological models
Calin Iuliu Lazaroiu (Department of Theoretical Physics, IFIN-HH, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania)

will be held on Wednesday, 15 June 2022, 17:00 CET. The Zoom link will be sent to registered participants and SEENET-MTP members.

Abstract: "In this talk I will give a study of the scale symmetries and scale expansions in classical multifield cosmological models and their UV and IR limits, showing that these reproduce respectively the geodesic flow of the scalar manifold and a reparameterization of the gradient flow of the scalar potential on that manifold. Using the appropriate notion of IR universality classes, I show that the IR dynamics of two-field models with complete scalar field metric can be described to first nontrivial order by that of two-field models with metrics of constant Gaussian curvature. I illustrate this with results on the first order IR approximant of tame two-field models, whose scalar manifold is a hyperbolizable complete non-compact and oriented Riemann surface of finite type and whose scalar potential admits a smooth and Morse extension to the Freudenthal compactification of that surface."

More information about the SEENET-MTP seminars and a registration form for non-members is available at the website of the Seminar,

We would kindly ask you to share this announcement with your colleagues.
