Poštovane koleginice i kolege,
Zadovoljstvo mi je da vas pozovem na
predavanje koje će se održati u petak 1.
Jula, sa početkom u 12h na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Beogradu, u sali
61. Predavač je dr Oleg Samoylov, Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems,
Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna a naslov predavanja glasi
“Neutrino Oscillations in the Accelerator Experiments”
Neutrino is one of the fundamental particles, which both gives us a lot of
mysteries, and is a key figure in the overall picture of the world around.
Neutrino oscillations provide us an opportunity to study the quantum nature of
this particle, measure its properties, and open the door to the definition of
its small, however, non-zero mass, as well as to the properties of other matter
(f.e. dark matter or the process of bario-leptogenesis). JINR hosts and
participates in a different neutrino projects, including the current and next
generation accelerator neutrino experiments (NOVA/DUNE). Such accelerator-based
experiments produce mainly muon neutrinos and are sensitive via numu
disappearance and nue appearance channels to the following neutrino parameters:
mixing angle th23, mass difference squared 32, CP violation phase, hierarchy (or
order) of neutrino masses. The JINR group has been actively involved in the data
acquisition and monitoring, Monte Carlo simulations and computing, and
processing of the physical analysis in the NOVA experiment since 2013 and has
been expanding its participation in the DUNE experiment since 2020. The
NOVA/DUNE projects at JINR invite new teams, students and young scientists to
Srdačan pozdrav,
Jelena Radovanovic