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David Snoke
University of Pittsburgh
A new mathematical formalism for nonlocal spontaneous collapse
The proposal of spontaneous collapse of quantum states has much appeal, as it does not require a lot of metaphysical baggage,
but it has the drawback that it requires an explicit change to the equations of quantum mechanics, because the standard unitary equations of quantum mechanics cannot give the non-unitary collapse of measurements seen in experiments. Prior proposals for spontaneous
collapse have suffered from several drawbacks. In this talk, I will present a mathematical formalism for spontaneous collapse that has many positive features, namely, it reproduces the Born probability rule as stochastic behavior, it involves a fairly simple
change to the equations, and it works with many-body states of identical particles. As with any nonlocal theory, it raises issues of how to have a consistent narrative of events across different relativistic frames of reference.
Thursday, March 9, 2022
IQOQI Seminar Room
Boltzmanngasse 3, 2nd floor, 1090 Vienna
Hosted by: Caslav Brukner
Live on YouTube: