Dear colleagues,

It is a pleasure to announce a workshop at the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, to be held on October 23-27 this year, with the title String Theory, Holography, and Black Holes ( In addition to discussing the recent advances and outstanding open problems in the field, the workshop will provide a discussion forum for researchers from the Balkan and Eastern Europe in which we plan to brainstorm about future activities of the existing SEENET-MTP network, and other networking collaborations that will enhance the development of fundamental theoretical physics in these countries.

The workshop will be a blend of longer (and relatively basic) review talks and more focused research-level talks. PhD students and young researchers in general are particularly encouraged to apply; a gong-show session will be organized for the junior participants to present their work.

The applications are open until July 15. A number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants from developing countries (mainly on a first-come-first served basis thus early registration is recommended). There is no registration fee.

If you have further questions about the event please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards
Mihailo Čubrović