Драги моји,

COST акција CA21106 организује школу чији је циљ обука младих студената докторских студија и младих доктораната који ће научити да разумеју природу тамне материје и различите аспекте слабо интерагујућиг лаких честица (WISPs).

Уесници школе ће имати покривене трошкове. Школа се одржава у Lecce код града Бари у Италији. Опширније у прослеђеној поруци испод и на страници за регистрацију.


Dr. Zoran D. Grujic
Senior research associate
Institute of Physics Belgrade
Photonics Center
Pregrevica 118
P.O. Box 57 
11080 Belgrade 
Phone +381 11 3713062

Optical Society of Serbia, president of

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Alessandro Mirizzi <alessandro.mirizzi@ba.infn.it>
Date: Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 6:21 PM
Subject: CA21106 Training School

Dear MC Members,

I would kindly ask you to spread in your countries the  announcement of
our CA21106 Training School.

Best regards,
Alessandro Mirizzi

Dear all,

I would inform you that registration to the 1st Training School of the
COST Action CA21106 are open on the webpage


The deadline for application is 31st May.

The School will take place in Lecce (IT) from 11-14 September 2023.

We plan to provide financial support up to 30 participants interested in
attending the School.
In order to apply for this grant, you have to check the eligibility
conditions and follow the procedure indicated on the webpage.
You will receive confirmation of the financial support just after the
deadline. Since Lecce is a touristic city it is recommended to book your
hotel  in advance.

Please notice that the School will take place just after the 1st General
Meeting in Bari (5-8 September) https://agenda.infn.it/event/34125/
which is very close to Lecce. So it would be a good idea to combine both
the events.

Best regards,
Alessandro Mirizzi