Dear colleagues,

It is a pleasure to announce the hybrid on-site/online Workshop on exactly solvable models of open quantum systems, to be held on September 11-15, at Steklov Mathematical Institute (8 Gubkina Street, Moscow, Russia).

The aim is to explore this rapidly growing area of theoretical and mathematical physics, including the models of thermalization, dissipation, quantum chaos and related topics in quantum many-body, statistical and high-energy physics. The workshop is intended to bring together key researchers in the field and cover various state-of-the-art approaches and methods.

In addition to on-site participation, online participation is also possible: all sessions will be streamed via Zoom, and online participants are encouraged to take active part in discussions.

The registration link, the list of speakers and the timetable (soon to appear) can be found on:

The workshop is open to everyone interested, and the speakers are expected to provide a broad introduction to their topics for nonspecialists.

Kind regards
Mihailo Čubrović