Poštovane koleginice, poštovane kolege,

Zadovoljstvo mi je što mogu da vas obavestim da će od septembra 2024. godine biti započete aktivnosti u okviru NEPHEWS međunarodnog projekta. Više detalja, kao i spisak aktivnosti koje ovaj projekat obuhvata može se naći na stranici www.beamtime.eu, kao i u sadržaju koji se nalazi u nastavku ovog pisma. 

NEPHEWS inicijativa omogućava finansiranje puta i boravka istraživača tokom izvođenja eksperimenata na 14 sinhrotronskih i neutronskih postrojenja u Evropi (transnational access), učešće mlađih istraživača na već postojećim naučnim projektima na ovim instalacijama, kao i onlajn trening iz specifičnih oblasti koja ova istraživanja podrazumevaju.

Naučnicima iz NIO na teritoriji Republike Srbije dat je prioritetan status tokom selekcije kandidatat za navedene aktivnosti, s obzirom da smo među 8 odabranih zemalja na osnovu prethodno raspisanog poziva. 

Nacionalni NEPHEWS tim u saradnji sa nacinalnim ESUO koordintarom, dr Bratislavom Marinkovićem, planira niz aktivnosti u cilju razvoja istraživanja baziranih na sinhrotronskim i neutronskim postrojenjima u NIO u Srbiji o kojima ćemo slati naknadna obaveštenja.

Željno očekujemo Vaša pitanja i komentare koje možete slati na bozanic@vinca.rs .

Srdačan pozdrav,

Dušan Božanić, INN Vinča

Dear User communities of neutron and photon sources from 8 selected countries,

thank you very much once again for expressing your great interest in the offer of the NEPHEWS project and for declaring a commitment to User community building.

We are ready to present the full range of NEPHEWS offer for different advanced User groups with a priority access to 8 targeted countries.

The offer consists of the following support programmes:

1/ Transnational access to 14 neutron and photon installations (status: open; the first User groups from targeted countries already have received notice of funded access to neutron and photon facilities under NEPHEWS),

2/ User-twinning programme (status: open)

3/ On-line trainings (first out of four training session in November/December this year)

4/ Early-stage researchers support (status: will be launched at end of August this year)

You will find all the necessary information such as participation criteria, application steps on the newly launched project website at www.beamtime.eu under the tab Programmes&Support and Virtual Trainnings.

The aim of the partnership is to reach as many Users as possible with the offer, that is why promotional campaigns are planned in 8 targeted countries as well as reaching out the Ministries and or National Funding Agencies to reinforce awareness of scientific opportunities using NEPHEWS’ large-scale facilities. We would like to carry out these activities with your help and by strengthening cooperation with you as coordinators who have responded to the EoIs and with the key people you have identified in those EoI.

We would like to contact those key people indicated directly in our communications, therefore we ask those of you who did not include their email addresses in the Expression of Interest document to prepare the mailing lists and send them both to Cormac Mc Guinness cmcguin@tcd.ie and at general project address nephews@uj.edu.pl

I already invite you to take advantage of NEPHEWS' offer and look forward to a fruitful collaboration.

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions or suggestions.


Sent on behalf of the NEPHEWS coordinators, NEPHEWS Executive Board and ESUO and ENSA.


Best Regards,

Piotr Piwowarczyk

Head of International Project Office

mail: piotr.piwowarczyk@uj.edu.pl /phone: +48 502595893



National Synchrotron Radiation Centre

Jagiellonian University
Czerwone Maki 98, 30-392 Krakow
