Dear colleagues,

You are cordially invited to seminars of the BioQantSense project, which will be held on Wednesday, 06 November 2024 at 12:00 in the library reading room “Dr. Dragan Popović" of the Institute of Physics Belgrade.

The talk entitled:

“Physical Unclonable Functions: Exploiting Disordered Photonics for Cryptography”

will be given by Prof. Francesco Riboli (National Institute of Optics, CNR & European Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS), Florence, Italy)

and the talk entitled:

“Characterization of collagen morphomechanics using multimodal optical microscopy”

will be given by Prof. Riccardo Cicchi (National Institute of Optics, CNR & European Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS), Florence, Italy).

Please feel free to forward this invitation to any of your colleagues who may be interested.

Best regards,
Marina Lekić

Dr. Marina M. Lekic, Associate Research Professor
Photonics center
Institute of Physics
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia