Dear colleague,


You are cordially invited to participate on the 9th Photonics Workshop which will be held March 2–6, 2016 on Kopaonik („Konaci“ appartments). The idea of the Workshop is to gather interested researchers from Serbia and abroad, from the areas:

-         biophotonics,

-         biophysics,

-         photonic crystals,

-         metamaterials,

-         holography and holographic materials,

-         plasmonics,

-         quantum optics and cold systems,

-         lasers and laser physics,

-         nonlinear optics,

-         photometry,

-         photonics in telecommunications,

-         photonics in education,

-         ophthalmology.

Important deadlines for the activities regarding registration and abstract submission are:

-         January 15, 2016 – registration for participation,

-         February 12, 2016 – abstract submission,

-         March 2, 2016 – Workshop start.

Due to limited time schedule, potential participants are kindly requested to register and submit abstracts within the deadlines. The abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts. Abstracts are accepted for two types of lectures: introductory and regular.

The participation fee for the Workshop is categorized as:


Optical Society of Serbia, member

Optical Society of Serbia, non-member


RSD 2000.00

RSD 3500.00


RSD 3500.00

RSD 5500.00

Discounted fee applies for students (PhD and graduate).

The fee can be paid to the account of the Institute of Physics: Institut za fiziku (Zemun), 340-11000276-54, with comment „za Radionicu fotonike 2016“. The instructions are:

Payer („uplatilac“): first name, last name and the address of the payer

Type of payment: fee („kotizacija“) for "Radionica fotonike 2016"

To the benefit of: Institut za fiziku

Amount: according to your category

Account number: 340-11000276-54

The Workshop venue is „Konaci“ apartments on Kopaonik. The announcements about the program, introductory lectures, registration form and other information could be found on the Workshop website,



Organizing Committee of the Workshop

Institute of Physics Belgrade Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia