Atomic and Molecular Theory

This is the home page of the IPB Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics Group. The main research interests of the group include studies of atomic few-body systems, complex-atom structure calculations, statistical and dynamical properties of atomic systems, atomic processes in strong laser fields, ion-atom collisions and ion collisions with surfaces.


Tasko Grozdanov, c.v. , Publications Profile at Google Scholar Scopus
Nenad Simonovic
Duska Popovic
Andrej Bunjac Research Gate
Associate Members:
Prof. Dr. Ivan D. Mancev , PMF
Prof. Dr. Nenad Lj. Milojevic
Dr. Danilo Ž. Delibašic
Dr. Violeta Petrovic
Dr. Hristina Delibašic Markovic
Retired members:
† Istok Mendas (1951 - 2021) Scopus
† Svetlana Vucic (1949 - 2021) Scopus
† Prof. Dr. Petar Grujic (1941 - 2018) Obituary IPB: In memoriam; Profile at Research Gate Scopus
† Vojislav Radojevic (1932 - 2020) Obituary IPB: In memoriam; Profile at Research Gate, Scopus
Former members:
† Acad. Ratko K. Janev (1939 - 2019) Obituary IPB: In memoriam; Obituary by Tasko Grozdanov: In memoriam; Profile at Research Gate Scopus
Dzevad Belkic Research Gate
Predrag S. Krstic ORNL Research Gate ORCID

Project 2011-2019: OI 171020

Institution: Institute of Physics
Contractor: Ministry of Education and Science
Title: Physics of collisions and photo processes in atomic, (bio)molecular and nanosized systems
Contract type: National Research Project
Begin: 1.01.2011 End: 31.12.2018
Leader of the project: Bratislav Marinkovic

Leadership: Petar Grujic and Vojislav Radojevic
By applying different theoretical methods, the quantum state energies and widths of atomic systems will be evaluated.

Leadership: Tasko Grozdanov
Investigation of problems involving non-relativistic fast ion (atom)-atom/molecule collisions. Working within the four- and five-body framework of scattering theory and imposing the proper Coulomb boundary conditions on the entrance and exit channels, the various quantum-mechanical theories will be formulated/implemented. Investigation of the slow reactive collisions of ions, atoms and molecules with molecules by using statistical models.

Leadership: Nenad Simonovic
Electronic structure and transport properties of/through the nano-sized systems such as: thin films, quantum wells and quantum dots are studied. The simulation of atomic beam diffraction at a crystal surface is performed. The influence of metal surface to atomic states is investigated.

Leadership: Tasko Grozdanov and Svetlana Vucic
The study of the effects of the interaction of ultra-short, attosecond electromagnetic pulses with atomic systems. Application of the quantum many body theory to study of the atomic structure and atomic processes, mainly interaction of electromagnetic radiation with atomic systems (neutrals, positive, and negative ions).

Leadership: Istok Mendas and Duska Popovic
Theoretical investigations in the field of quantum information and quantum physics, examination of potential applications and comparison with avaliable experimantal data are performed.

Graduate Curriculum:

The Structure of Atoms and Molecules
Scattering Theory
Special Topics I
Special Topics II
Vremenski zavisan opis multifotonske jonizacije atoma (for M.Sci Thesis)

Past project: 2006-2010: ON 141029

Institution: Institute of Physics
Contractor: Ministry of Science and Technological Development
Title: Dynamics of atomic, molecular and mesoscopic systems
Contract type: National Research Project
Begin: 1.01.2006 End: 31.12.2010
Leader of the project: Tasko Grozdanov

We shall develop theoretical and computational methods for description of resonance-dominated atomic and molecular radiation and collision processes. Relationship between lifetimes of resonant states and their phase-space structure will be investigated. Atomic collision processes close to thresholds will be studied. We shall investigate quantum-mechanical models for fast ion-atom collisions with two actively participating electrons. Interaction of atoms with solid surfaces will be studied including the ionization of Rydberg atoms and ions within the framework of asymptotic models. Computational and theoretical investigations of many-electron correlations and relativistic effects in atomic processes and in structure of atomic shells will be performed. Photoionization and photoemission spectra of atoms and molecules exposed to intense laser fields will be calculated by using Floquet method and numerical solution of the time dependent Schrodinger equation. Starting from the crucial role of electronic correlations in the structure and transport through quantum dots, the few-electron dots will be studied, particularly in an external magnetic field. The electronic transport through nano-heterostructures (superconducting and nanowire-DNA-nanowire junction) will be studied theoretically and experimentally. We shall investigate theoretically and numerically pure and mixed quantum states that are of importance in quantum optics and quantum information theory.

Publications 2005 - 2010

Past project: 2006-2010: ON 146022

Institution: Institute of Physics
Contractor: Ministry of Science and Technological Development
Title: History and epistemology of science
Contract type: National Research Project
Begin: 1.01.2006 End: 31.12.2010
Leader of the project: Petar Grujic

This interdisciplinary project engages researchers from various sciences, whose primary preocupation lies in particular disciplines, but who are interested in the history of their scientific fields, as well as in the epistemological aspects of their research. The project gathers 15 researchers from 7 institutions, some of them retired. Participants have been gathered around the seminar with the same title, which has been running since 1995 at the Institute of Physics. The project also aims at the promotion of science as such, with an emphasis on the cultural aspects of the scientific activities.

List of seminars 1995 - 2017
Current seminars in History of Science and Epistemology

Prof. Petar Grujic: REMEMBERING MIKE Professor Michael J. Seaton (16.01.1923 – 29.05.2007)

Institute of Physics IPB home page of Centre 3

Links to AMO groups and laboratories in Serbia