[aegis-vo-users] Training opportunities by PRACE

Danica Stojiljkovic danica at ipb.ac.rs
Tue Jan 24 15:21:20 CET 2012

Postovane kolege,

Dostavljam vam listu treninga i radionica u oblasti racunarstva visokih
performansi (HPC) u organizaciji PRACE projekta (Partnership for
Advanced Computing in Europe). PRACE organizuje redovne sezonske HPC
treninge i radionice, a lista ispod sadrzi one koje ce se odrzati do
kraja leta 2012. Vise o projektu mozete naci na: 

* PRACE Workshop: Computational Approaches on Life Sciences and
Chemistry, February 17-18 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria

During two full day sessions researchers of several PRACE Project groups
present their results and plans for further research as well as their
success stories in the application of supercomputers to science,
industry, medicine and environmental protection.

Read more and register (by January 31)

* PRACE Spring School 2012, May 16-18 2012, Kraków, Poland 

PRACE Spring School 2012 will take place from the 16th to the 18th of
May 2012 in Poland in Kraków. In this three-day event, called "School
for Developers of Petascale Applications", the participants will learn
how to create efficient and scalable parallel codes for PRACE Tier-0

Read more and register (by March 31)

Save the date for

* PRACE Summer School 2012, June 13-15 2012, Lugano, Switzerland

* International HPC Summer School, June 24-28 2012, Dublin, Ireland

See also the list of training events organized by different PRACE
partner institutions at http://www.prace-ri.eu/Upcoming

Srdacni pozdrav,
Danica Stojiljkovic

E-mail: danica at ipb.ac.rs
Web: http://scl.ipb.ac.rs/

Phone: +381 11 3713 177
Fax: +381 11 3162190 

Scientific Computing Laboratory 
Institute of Physics Belgrade

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