[aegis-vo-users] PRACE Autumn School 2012 on Massively Parallel Architectures and Molecular Simulations, Sofia (BG), September 24-28, 2012

Danica Stojiljkovic danica at ipb.ac.rs
Tue Jul 24 14:01:17 CEST 2012

Dear all,

Please distribute the following announcement to your respective
country's HPC user communities:

The National Centre for Supercomputing Applications-Bulgariais pleased
to announce the next PRACE Autumn School which will be on Massively
Parallel Architectures and Molecular Simulations in Sofia from 24 to 28
September 2012.

Within a five day intensive event participants will be introduced multi
scales/multi physics molecular simulation methods and software for high
performance computing applications in molecular biology, biochemistry,
microbiology, pharmacology research, cell medicine, immunology, chemical
synthesis, atomic level material damage investigations and investigation
of clusters of billions of nanoparticles.

ТheSchoolwill focus on the following topics:

   * DL_POLY;
   * Long-Range Interactions calculations;
   * Massively Parallel Computers.



To apply for a place please go to

school is offered free of charge to students and academics, and lunches,
coffee breaks and an evening dinner event will be provided. Please note
that some knowledge of C, C++ or Fortran is a pre-requisite for this
course. Attendance is limited to 50 places, and selection of
participants will be based on demonstrated understanding in molecular
modelingand computational science and high-performance computing.

The registration deadline: **August 20, 2012**


**More information you can find on the PRACE web site:

Please contact Georgi Prangov at NCSA-Bulgaria:
gprangov at mtitc.government.bg <mailto:gprangov at mtitc.government.bg> for
further information.

Many thanks and best regards!


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