[hep-th] seminar
Branislav Cvetkovic
cbranislav at ipb.ac.rs
Mon Sep 19 11:48:55 CEST 2011
Postovane kolege,
u petak 23. septembra u 11 h na Inatitutu za fiziku, u sali 300, Marko
Vojinovic ce odrzati seminar
pod naslovom "Poincare 2-group and new action for general relativity".
Apstrakt vam prosledjujem u prilogu.
Pozdrav Branislav
Apstrakt: We shall introduce the concept of a 2-group, specifically the
Poincare 2-group. Then we shall construct the topological BFCG action
and demonstrate how it can be constrained to give general relativity. A
short analysis of the equations of motion will be given, as well as the
extension of the formalism to include matter fields. Finally, we shall
briefly discuss the procedure of spinfoam quantization of the model.
Institute of Physics Belgrade
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia
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