[hep-th] seminar

Branislav Cvetkovic cbranislav at ipb.ac.rs
Mon May 14 11:04:17 CEST 2012

Postovane kolege,

umesto "tehnickog" seminara planiranog za danas Marko Vojinovic ce 
odrzati "redovni" seminar
u petak 18. maja u 11 h na Institutu za fiziku  u sali 300. Naslov 
seminara je
"Hamiltonian analysis of the constrained BFCG theory". Abstrakt vam 
prosledjujem u nastavku.

Pozdrav Branislav

The constrained BFCG theory is a novel way to write an action for 
general relativity, motivated by the Poincare 2-group formalism. We 
shall discuss the equations of motion, and present the Hamiltonian 
structure of the theory, which is a first step towards canonical 

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Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia

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